Inspiring stories by Real Life Writer Sharyn Smart
Our Green Roadie – Emma and Connor Heke’s road trip
Emma’s motto: “A little film team making big films. Being the change we want to see in the World.”
Already living an environmentally aware lifestyle inspired Nelson film maker Emma Heke to set out on a quest to live “better not faster”. Her first step was to attend an eco-film night which left her feeling hopeless when only six other people attended.
“Then and there I decided to make a film that celebrated the positive steps that people in NZ are taking on their journeys to become more environmentally aware. I wanted to create something that the everyday person could relate to and be inspired by. It was crucial to find very ‘ordinary people’ who made decisions to do things extra-ordinary in their businesses and lifestyles.”
“I spent the winter of 2011 searching. My rather strict criteria enabled me to find 70 people spread geographically all over NZ that were doing something different but had an eco-consciousness at the centre of their business or life. I not only wanted to gather these stories to inspire others but also to inspire ourselves on a greener journey in life.”
“I approached people with the knowledge that the film crew was just me and my then seven-year-old son. I stressed the fact that we would be very low-key and natural.”
“I researched online for an economic vehicle that was easy on fuel and had space for storage and a bed! I found one for $2,800 on trademe and we welcomed “Serena” to our road crew.”
As Emma put the itinerary together emails and phone calls went back and forth forming new friendships along with offers of accommodation.
“This was brilliant as I home-educate Connor and most of the people I chose also had children. He not only got to learn and see what people do, but also had loads of friends along the way.”
“We rented out our house, so we didn’t have to worry about the mortgage and the budget was set at $200 per week. This included diesel, accommodation, food and internet access.”
Emma and Connor shot their film Our Green Roadie as they travelled from Riverton to Northland showcasing people’s kiwi can do attitude in their natural environments.
“I’m so proud that we actually did it. It was an incredible undertaking to travel for six months on a super-string budget in a wee van with a seven-year-old. Not many people would do something like that to begin with, but throw in all the filming and interviews, meeting strangers every day …. It was a huge feat.”
Emma’s determination to succeed in life is evident as she seizes every opportunity with her own gutsy “kiwi can do attitude”.
“I’m a solo mum NOT on a benefit, home educating my son, running a small business, making films and then marketing them myself.”
“I make the films and sell them on DVD. I crowd-funded, on PledgeMe, to raise the money to hire an additional editor and sound engineer right at the end of Our Green Roadie to bring it all together.”
Being a teacher for 12 years prior to having Connor has enabled Emma to experience many different aspects of life. These have also had a huge impact on her filming career.
“If it wasn’t for Connor, I’d never even be making films. He is my driving force and he loves being involved. I was a high school art and photography teacher prior to being a mum. This is my first film for adults as the previous two have been for children.”
Emma and Connor met many people as they listened to their stories about how they live eco-conscious and operate economically viable businesses and lifestyles. They got taught many different skills on their road trip as they recorded their adventures for the DVD Our Green Roadie.
“I loved the fact that everyone was indeed on a journey. Some had just started while others were decades into it. All the businesses supported families and everyone was passionate about what they did.”
Connor learnt how to rear queen bees, hand milk goats, brew a batch of tea tree oil, roast a batch of coffee beans and make a sturdy bow and arrow along the way.
“He had the role of shooting the stills and used my expensive Canon SLR camera with great professionalism. I paid him for this job. He also has really good ideas and as he grows (now 10) he has confidence and creative genius all of his own.”
Emma’s next epiphany came in the form of marketing Our Green Roadie she quickly realised that word of mouth and social media were great.
“My latest marketing plan enables groups to use my film Our Green Roadie as a fundraising tool.”
“People were contacting me asking where they could see the movie. So I came up with a plan where groups are able to use our film to fundraise and pay us a small screening fee. We also split DVD sales with them so it’s a win/win situation. Crowds have ranged from 30 to 150+ and we’ve had 27 screenings to date with more in the pipeline.”
Emma and Connor have been overwhelmed by thousands of sales to date and are currently working on a TV pilot.
“I’d always had the idea in the back of my mind, so I gathered over 50 hours of footage when we were on our trip so I had a lot more material to work with for episodes. The impetus to actually start creating a TV pilot came from the many emails I received from viewers who love the DVD and wanted ‘more’.”
Emma’s way of ‘doing things a bit differently to the accepted ways of doing things’ has enabled her to look at the world from another perspective gaining her some wonderful friends and learning many amazing skills.
“I don’t fit in sponsorship’s boxes so the TV pilot is self-funded just like my previous films were.”
“I knew we’d need to leave home and travel in order to film these stories. This was way outside my comfort zone but I just knew I needed to feel the fear and do it anyway. Everyone we met was an inspiration in their own right. GO FOR IT – live your dreams.”
The Our Green Roadie DVD can be purchased via or follow them on