Taranaki Dragons support NZ Breast Cancer

Taranaki Dragon Boating Team in full costume for Breast Cancer Pink for a Day. Photo : Sharyn Smart – Smart Shots by Sharyn


Waitara residents were treated to a pink spectacular as members of the Taranaki Dragons supported Pink for a Day Pink October.

About 35 people supported the event held at their club rooms at the Waitara boat ramp by dressing up in pink costumes with prizes awarded for their efforts.

Founding member Kathleen Moriarity attended a Breast Cancer Conference in 2007along with a friend where they discovered dragon boating and brought the idea back to Waitara.

“I guess I was one of the ones that started Taranaki Dragons.  I am chuffed that it is still going.  We have had a wonderful turn out today and are always looking for new paddlers.

“We have done a pink paddle for quite a few years now.  The main aim is to get more awareness out there in the community of what we do, as well as raise some money for the Breast Cancer Foundation.”

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