With the New Year here, once again we all start making New Year resolutions.
In 2002 my resolutions came looking for me. Life over-whelmed me, which in turn forced me to make some drastic changes.
I broke a bone in my foot, in December 2000 and spent a lot of 2001 having physio and not exercising much. The slightest step on uneven ground sent my recovery back to the beginning. This meant that I spent a lot of time sitting around and eating. I made a minimal attempt at using the time to change careers and started a writing course by correspondence.
In 2002, I got offered a part-time job. The hours were great so I went for it. Unfortunately it meant that for 10 weeks, I had to use my lunch break to race to kindy, home to our neighbours to drop off Alex and back to work, until Alex turned 5.
My husband, Campbell, ended up at A&E at all hours of the day and night in excruciating pain in his side. They eventually decided it was kidney stones. There were many blasting operations and stent operations. Everybody was on alert in case he needed to get to the Hospital. Every time he groaned in his sleep or got up to the toilet I was ready to organise his parents to come and take him, as I would need to stay with the children. A good nights sleep was a thing of the past.